Why Do Venomous Animals Live In Warm Climates?


Why are the most venomous species found in the warmest places on Earth? I mean, take Australia for example. Depending on who you ask, it has all or nearly all of the ten most venomous snakes in the world,

plus the funnel-Web spider, the blue ringed octopus, box jellyfish, paralysis tick and stonefish, all found in Australia, are the most lethal of their kind and even this cute

platypus has an ankle spur, which in the male, secretes a venom that can kill a dog. In humans it would merely cause excruciating

pain. This question, why do the most venomous species live in the warmest places, is one that I've wondered about for most of my life. Perhaps it's because I was born here in the small town of Traralgon, Australia.

This is the first house where I ever lived. As my mum recalls {Derek's Mum}"in the backyard there was a shade where we found red backs,

and I used to play in the shed? {Derek's Mum}"I don't think once we found the red backs that we let you in there.". Yeah, that's very comforting. Thanks mum.

Now if you don't know what a red back is, it's a very poisonous spider. Hold up. I gotta tell past Derek something. You see it's important that we say venomous and not poisonous because poisonous means

it'll be harmful if you eat it, whereas venomous means it'll try to eat you and that will be harmful. Continue. So thankfully they never bit me, otherwise, I wouldn't be standing

here today. Now before we go any further, it's probably worth asking, is it true, do more venomous species really live in hot places?

Well apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so because I found this reddit thread on the topic. Though, it really didn't explain
