情人节你不知道的七件事 7 Things You Didn't Know About Valentine's Day | History Countdown



Valentine's Day, is it a time for romance or just a way for companies to sell flowers and cards?

Listen, we can't tell you if that special someone loves you or loves you not.

This is just a video asking you to watch it.

It's the seven things you didn't know about Valentine's Day.

In ancient Roman times, Valentine was a very popular name, and there are several stories of Saint-Valentinian martyrdom.

According to one tradition, the Roman Emperor Claudius II declared that Roman soldiers were not allowed to marry, and then made weddings illegal.

A Christian priest named Valentine found this to be quite a buzzkill and continued to perform marriages in secret.

According to another story, a different Valentine was imprisoned for helping Christians and fell in love with the jailer's daughter.

He signed his final letter to her, Love, Your Valentine.

Apparently, they were both beheaded on February 14th.
