耶鲁大学校长2023开学演讲:放慢脚步,弥合裂缝 Slow Down and Fix Things – Opening Assembly Address, Yale College Class of 2027


美东时间8月21日上午,耶鲁大学在Cross Campus举行了一年一度的开学典礼,这标志着所有新生在耶鲁学习生活的正式启航。耶鲁大学校长开学典礼演讲的主题为“放慢脚步,弥合裂缝”。在演讲中,校长寄语新生,“希望你们能培养谨慎地、有条理地行动习惯——放慢脚步,不仅为了放慢白驹过隙般的时间,也为反思听到的各种观点,准备好进入世界,弥合裂缝”。

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you, our entering students, and your family members to campus, and to mark officially the start of your undergraduate education.

This is a big moment for you and for Yale.

I'm glad this day has arrived, and I'm so glad you are here.

It is evident why you belong at Yale.

Your academic distinction, leadership savvy, and outstanding motivation solidify your standing among students who have sat for centuries where you are sitting today.

What is more, the richness of your diversity, across every dimension, reflects Yale's commitment to creating an inclusive educational environment.

Now, as you prepare to enter Yale and leave your unique imprint on it, allow me to alert you to a perennial observation among our alumni.

Many of your predecessors, I must caution, have marveled at the breakneck clip at which today's festivities give way to your graduation.

It's a hard truth, codified in one of Yale's most celebrated traditions, the singing of our unofficial alma mater, "Bright College Years".

Your time here is described as "the shortest, gladdest years of life," and as "gliding by," "swiftly," in fact.
