

北极永久冻土图册出版(1)Researchers Just Created the World's First Permafrost Atlas of the Entire Arctic

Imagine the entire Earth.

Now think about the places where all the ground is frozen solid.

Do you know where they are?

What if I told you that permafrost isn't only found at the poles and that it exists under the sea and on top of North America's Rocky Mountains?

For Science, Quickly, I'm Emily Schwing.

For more than six years, researchers have been working to account for all of the planet's frozen ground as part of the NUNATARYUK permafrost research project.

They're also going one step further to document who lives on permafrost, makes use of it and what its cultural significance is.

What's come of their effort is the world's first and only permafrost atlas of the entire Arctic.

So, it's a coffee-table atlas that you can open anywhere and start reading and learning about permafrost.

Levi Westerveld is a geographer and cartographer.
