我在 33 岁前学到的 30 件小事 30 Things I Learned Before Turning 33


Welcome to today's episode of tristantake video. It's currently the middle of November and as you can see, I'm out riding my bike up in Andorra.

This last week, I turned 33 years old and I thought what better way to spend my birthday than up in a place I love riding my bike, hanging out with people I love and using over some of the things that I've learned these last 33 years.

So in today's episode, I thought I'd take you guys for a little bike ride and go and talk about some of the things I've learned. I'm currently climbing up Coldordino. So let's crack on with a bit of a video about all the things I've learned these past 33 years.

All right. So lesson number one is this, it's never too early or too late to decide to make a change in your life direction. Some of the best people I know were lawyers and then they went on to run sunscreen businesses.

Some Pro cyclists I know finished Pro cycling and went on to become lawyers, recognizing when it's time to have a change and making that change will bring you more happiness than waiting and waiting and waiting until you think the time might be right and ending up burning out.

There will never be a perfect time to do anything. Don't wait until you burn out before you decide to make a change in your life Direction.

Lesson number two is this, things always feel super intimidating until you go out and do them. The idea of doing something is often bigger than the reality of doing it.

So don't let yourself get hung up on starting something new, chasing a relationship or deciding to change jobs.

Get out there and just push yourself to jump over that wall and you'll find that on the other side is actually not the level of scary that you might have once thought there was going to be.

Alrighty, lesson three is this, recognize your own value. Every single human being on Earth has value in some way. You have a skill that someone else doesn't have. You have a passion or an interest that nobody else can rival.
