马斯克DealBook峰会访谈 Elon Musk on Trust and the "Wild Storm" in His Mind | DealBook Summit 2023


29日,马斯克出席了《纽约时报》主办的 DealBook 峰会,在访谈中马斯克表示自己的思想像是一个狂风暴雨,有很多想法但执行才是问题所在,他的哲学观点是体现好奇心的哲学,他希望的是摆脱让人类成为单一星球文明的费米过滤器。在被问及疯狂的想法时,马斯克表示物理是无情的,如果出了错结果就是失败。

You were on a podcast about a month ago, and you said something that struck me, and it struck me as accurate, it came out of your mouth, so hopefully it is, but I'm hoping we go deep on this.

Just because it came out of my mouth does not mean it's true.

No, but you said my mind is a storm.

I don't think most people would want to be me.

They may think they want to be me, but they don't know, they don't understand.

What did you mean by that?

What was your mind being a storm?

And I think it, I mean, I have known you for quite some time.

I think it is a bit of a storm.

