The origin of every English city's name



The origin of every English city's name.

There are 55 of themThat's quite a lot.

So let's get cracking.

Welcome to another RobWords.

First some quick context: England's place  names are a product of England's history.

They've been influenced by - in order -the  Celtic Britons who were around from the Iron Age, the Romans who spent a few centuries there, the Anglo Saxons who came after them, the Vikings who took control of a massive chunk of  England, and then William the Conqueror's Normans.

Throw in some Christianity and a  millennium of lazy pronunciation and mishearings and you get to  the place names we have today.

Now we're just going to look at the citiesbecause we would be here all day otherwise.

Contrary to popular belief, there are no specific criteria for a place in  England to be designated a city.
