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Get into the Urn, Please!





In 690, Empress Dowager Wu took the throne and became the “Emperor” of China. She had many secret police officials work as her network of informers and spies. These officials, notorious for making torturous interrogations and false accusations, were often subjects of fear and hatred.

Zhou Xing was one of the secret officials. It was said that his false accusations had killed thousands of people. One day, he invited a familiar guest for lunch at his house.

The guest was Lai Junchen, Zhou Xing’s subordinate at work. They had been working closely together for years. Though Lai Junchen had to learn everything from Zhou Xing, he had very soon surpassed him in both cruelty and framing skills. Zhou Xing liked this young colleague very much, for he seemed so smart and humble, and knew very well how to please him.

At lunch, Lai Junchen brought up a recent case. Like a most loyal subordinate and most respectful student, he reported to Zhou Xing in detail: how he had his men submit false reports that corroborated each other, how he created details that made the alleged plot appear logical, and how he got the accused to confess through torture.

Zhou Xing listened, occasionally giving instructions. He was again pleased by Lai’s attitude. “Everybody regards him as a rising star within the secret police,” he thought, “yet he remains humble and loyal to me!”

After a few drinks, he noticed that Lai Junchen seemed a bit down. He asked: “Is there anything bothering you?”

Lai Junchen gave a strained smile. “Nothing can hide from your eyes, Master. Actually there was one tough hard bone who just wouldn’t confess. You’re much more experienced and resourceful than I am, Master… do you have an idea?”

“Oh, that couldn’t be easier.” Zhou Xing boasted, grinning as his head tilted slightly back. “Just take a big urn and set a fire under it. Put the hard bone into the urn, and trust me, he’ll confess whatever you want him to."

“I knew you are the right person to ask! Wow, Master, I have so much to learn from you!” Lai Junchen exclaimed. But soon he looked hesitant: “But I’ve never seen torture equipment like this before. I’m afraid I can’t use it properly.”

Zhou Xing laughed out. He then asked his servants to place a big urn in the yard, and set a fire underneath.

“This is it! What’s so hard about it?” Zhou Xing said, pointing at the searing urn. “Just get the man inside!”

Hearing this, Lai Junchen rose and bowed to him. “Then Master, please, get inside.”

Zhou Xing couldn’t believe his ears. The next moment he found his house was besieged.

“There were secret reports that you were involved with a treason case. Her Imperial Majesty has given a secret instruction to me to interrogate you. So,” Lai Junchen smirked, “get into the urn, please!”

Zhou Xing’s face drained of color. He sank to the ground, and confessed everything. Out of all the devices he had invented and developed to torture people, he had never imagined that he would have the cruelest one for himself.



Similar Expressions in English

What goes around comes around:  Used to say that if someone treats another people badly she or he will eventually be treated badly by someone else.


After years of mistreating his colleagues, he finally faced consequences of these actions-- what goes around, comes around.

To dig one’s own grave: Used to say someone is doing something that will ultimately lead to their own downfall or harm.


By constantly lying to his boss and avoiding responsibilities, he was unknowingly digging his own grave, as eventually, his deceit was discovered and he lost his job.


Formulating The Plan –TrackSonics
