最强英音:红发女野人Rose Leslie也是一个宅女追剧迷?










      今天,在专栏《最强英音》中,我和大家一起分享Rose Leslie。她有记录的电视剧上映时间是在2008年,电影则更晚一些,是2012年。所以,应该说她让我们熟悉的作品数量并不多,但是她的形象你肯定不会陌生。除了少有的一头红发(她是家族中唯一的天生红发,据说小时候还希望能够染成和其他人一样的发色),她为数不多的两部电视剧却全球闻名:《唐顿庄园》和《冰与火》。前者中,她饰演的是勤学努力向往白领工作的女仆Gwen Dawson。后者则是红发女野人Ygritte,最后也因为这剧,和饰演囧雪的演员Kit Harington结婚。



      在电影方面,她一共参加了五部,其中较为知名的是《最后的猎巫人》,还有一部是早就出了预告片,但似乎一直没有上映的阿加西的翻拍作品Kenneth Branagh自导自演的《尼罗河上的惨案》。这次主演是神奇女侠,Rose Leslie仍然出演女仆角色,估计唐顿中的女仆形象让人过目不忘。



      Rose Leslie出生在苏格兰的Aberdeen, 并且在乡下的城堡里度过了童年时光。她祖上还都有贵族的血统,其中她母亲的母系外祖父一支还是查理二世的后代。另外还有几支可以追朔到苏格兰当地的部族首领。有意思的是,在公开的采访或者视频中,你很难察觉到她有任何苏格兰口音,恰恰相反,如果你将同样的年轻一代的Rose Leslie和Emma Watson的口音来做横向对比,前者的口音更能体现MRP的纯正标准。




You know nothing.

Well, you probably know a lot about your favourite box sets and 60% of us more likely to watch the new box set series than pick up a book. We are seriously in the know when it comes to our favourite shows.

And with Sky Box Sets club, you can do just that. You can argue, debate, and even celebrate those moments of ‘Oh my god. Did that just happen?”. But what makes the very best box set so addictively good?

We just can’t help falling for those heartbreaking, troublemaking rogues that our mothers definitely warned us about, but we probably quite fancy him do.

We’ve all been there, an episode ends in such a devious cliffhanger that we all  shout ‘next’ at the screen.

Men versus women, heroes versus villains, dragons versus frankly anything. See, all the best Sky Box Sets are entangled with power struggles, and we…we just can’t get enough.

Let’s face it unapologetic straight-talking women were a rarity on our screens before Sex and the City.

Nothing keep you on the edge of your seat quite like in a bit of high-stakes drama. And after the end of a hard day, it’s nicer come home and watch other people struggle with the big decisions, and he’s… these are really big decisions.

So there you have it, the five special ingredients behind those incredibly gripping and addictively good box sets. Now I’ve got a lot of important stuff to be catching up on.


rogue /rəʊɡ/ n. 无赖,混混,捣蛋鬼

🌰举例:The women all think he's a lovable old rogue.

cliffhanger /ˈklɪfˌhæŋ.ə/ n. 扣人心弦的电影,冒险的故事。

🌰举例:The polls are too close to call, and it looks like this election is going to be a real cliffhanger.

entangle /ɪnˈtæŋ.ɡəl/ v. 纠缠,使卷入

🌰举例:He went to the shop to buy bread, and got entangled in/with a carnival parade.

high-stakes adj. 下大赌注的,高风险的

🌰举例:The company has made some high-stakes investments in an attempt to transform itself into a multibrand empire.

音标来源/ Longman Pronunciation Dictionary & Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary


  1. 可以特别留意她重点表达的book这个元音的特征,在MRP的特种中,它并不会过于挤压变形,甚至变成中央元音。

  2. rogues, those等处的元音处理的很标准,英音练习者可以作为参考,切勿进一步挤压并前移发音位置,那样的oh并不符合当代标准英音的特征,相反会更显做作。

  3. 更多专业系统的英语发音提高课程请参考文末所列方式加入社群,这里有一大群喜欢和掌握了英音的伙伴们。





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