妮可·基德曼好莱坞最佳女性领导奖获奖感言 Nicole Kidman Accepts THR's Sherry Lansing Leadership Award | Women in Entertainment 2024


妮可·基德曼获得本年度好莱坞最佳女性领导大奖(Sherry Lansing Leadership award)。在获奖感言中,她表示雪莉·兰辛是她在演艺行业中的重要导师,并表达了导师的重要性。她希望自己也能拥有这股力量,并将其传递给年轻的演员们。

Okay, I still got to get comfortable with this so I'm very good at having a script, not so good at giving speeches but I'm going to do my best right now in front of my daughter who is here.

Firstly, thank you Laura Dern who is my girlfriend, but also my confidant who has been privy to so much in my life, and has supported me and shown me incredible sisterhood.

And off we go.

We've got things in our future together.

Also, thank you to the Hollywood Reporter team, to Mare and Rebecca and Curtis, and welcome Shirley.

And now, to Sherry Lansing.



This is an extraordinary full circle because, let me get this here, when I first came to America, I stepped off the plane and I came into the office of Sherry Lansing.

The first executive I met was Sherry.
