

Test1-Part One(3)

You've probably noticed that you've been given red, yellow, blue or green name badges, and they're the four groups we've put you into. When I've finished talking to you, the four groups will go off to different rooms.

Where you'll be given the timetable of group activities and do some icebreaking exercises to get to know each other. At six thirty, there'll be a reception in the West Room, followed by dinner.

After that, we'll be having a question-and-answer session with a panel of branch managers, so you'll be able to find out what it's like working for Buyright. Tomorrow will start with breakfast at eight, and the activities will go on until five thirty.

We hope to make our final selection of ten people for the management training programme very soon, and we'll write to you all within a week. Oh, if you haven't claimed your travel expenses yet, don't forget to fill in your expenses claim form there should be one in your information pack.

And give it to me before you leave. Now we'll get each group off to the right room, and make a start.
