Why Levain Bakery Is NYC’s Favorite Cookie Shop



在 tripadvisor.com 网站的餐馆排名中, Levain击败了曼哈顿所有高级牛排店,意大利餐,寿司馆和点心铺,勇夺人气冠军,被很多人公认为世界上最好吃的曲奇饼!

Herrine Ro: If you're wandering around New York City and have a hankering for a sweet treat, there's no better place than Levain Bakery.

Locals and tourists flock here for the world-famous cookies.

Customer: I've heard they have the best cookies in all the world.

Herrine: I've got the goods, and I am ready to eat all the different kinds of cookies.

We all know that the chocolate chip walnut cookie here is the best chocolate chip cookie in New York City, but how do the other three cookies taste?

Are they equally as good as the chocolate chip walnut?

These are all questions that I have posited in my brain, and I'm here to answer those questions.

You can find the cookie on multiple best-of lists, and it even got our vote as the best chocolate chip cookie in New York City.

There are four types of cookies.

Chocolate peanut butter, double chocolate, oatmeal raisin, and chocolate chip walnut, which is Levain's top seller.
