河童来了:快捂住屁股!(上)The Kappa: Hold onto Your Butts! - Japanese Myth


Have you seen this boy?

All T1000 jokes aside,I'm betting a lot of you know this face as Kappa, the sarcastic or trollish in good fun twitch mode from the internet, but did you know that a Kappa is much more than a sarcastic face or a Greek letter?

The Kappa, in fact has its roots in Japanese mythology as one of the most outlandish creatures ever to exist.

Oh, and did we mention they're coming for your butts?

Thanks so much to Incogny for helping to keep people's personal data personal.

Kappa arame of the water aka a force of nature, neither fully good nor evil, objects of both reverence and fear, and they live in fresh water all around Japan, but one of the most popular spots to find them is behind the Yokanji Temple in the city of Tono, Japan.

There, beside a clear stream in a wooded Grove, there is a shrine to these mischievous creatures and it's said that Kappa can still be found there to this day, though sightings of Kappa are relatively rare.

Stories of Kappa have passed down for generations because really, it's pretty hard to forget one. Once you've seen it, each of these little kame is about the size of a child with the face of a monkey, the beak and shell of a turtle, and a plate shaped depression on its head that's full of water. But make no mistake, friend.

But make no mistake, friend. Despite their small size, Kappa can be very dangerous.

Back in the early days of Toku, one of the monks had brought his horse to the Clear River to drink.
