传感器技术将开启下一个数字时代 LogOn: Next-Gen Sensors Taking Previously Impossible Measurements


Researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles are developing Next-Generation Quantum sensors that Professor Prineha Narang says will improve the Precision of measuring what is happening in our air or water.

Some things that can be early markers of bigger problems, right?

And that's really the name of the game in making decisions around human health in terms of responding to air quality changes.

UCLA researcher Sergio Carbajo is focusing Two ultra-precise laser beams on a molecule, reading its quantum characteristics or its unique signature or fingerprint as he calls it with a time and location stamp.

You collect the hundreds or thousands of them that you have and that's when you can begin to look for.

Not only the individual information that you obtain, but the entire summation of that information when it's entangled so that you can see correlated events.

Because of quantum entanglement, a phenomenon when one Photon knows of the existence of another, these sensors will be able to measure something miles away.

When smog from Canadian fires descended on New York last summer, the researchers say sensors could have predicted in which areas of the city and for how long the smoke would stay even down to specific contaminants.

Scientist Dennis Kim says that's only the start.

So one of the things that we can do with Quantum sensors is detect changes in magnetic fields.
