酒心巧克力 Chocolate Whiskey Truffles by Paul A. Young



Hi guys, and girls.

We're now going to make one of my favourite things, which is filled chocolate.

So using a mould, we are going to use one of my favourite ingredients, whisky, whisky.

And you need tempered chocolate, a professional mould, don't use silicon moulds, they're too bendy and flimsy.

These are about 15 quid each, lots of websites and shops sell these.

And you're going to need our water ganache, so we're going to turn that into whiskey ganache later on.

So you've got your ganache ready, your tempered chocolate ready, take your mould, you know how to look after these and you know how to keep them clean, place it on your workbench and we're going to pour the tempered chocolate into each of the cavities.

So tempered chocolate in the bowl and we're going to fill the whole mould with your chocolate quite quickly so it doesn't get too thick because the thicker the chocolate, the The thicker the shell.

Give it a tap and then scrape off the excess chocolate off the top.

So scrape this off, scrape this off.
