世界上最古老的帽子店 How The World's Oldest Hat Shop Has Stayed In Business For Nearly 350 Years | Still Standing


Lock & Co. Hatters 是创建于1676年的家族企业,其位于英国伦敦著名绅士街 St. Jame’s Street,店铺是世界上历史最悠久的制帽店,被称为“古董级帽子店”。你如果有机会去到店后面,可以看到一大堆名人签名过的木制头模。你所知道的很多名人,诸如威灵顿公爵、萧伯纳、丘吉尔、卓别林,直至伊丽莎白女王、戴安娜王妃、麦当娜之类的都在这家店买过或定制过帽子。

This is one of the only shops in the world that still measures every head before selling a hat.

Lock & Co. workers have been designing and selling high-quality hats for nearly 350 years, making it the oldest hat shop in the world.

It's outfitted British royalty and invented iconic headwear, like Charlie Chaplin's bowler.

The shop has survived industrialization and two world wars.

But the COVID-19 pandemic was the first time it had to close its doors.

We went to the heart of London to see how this legendary boutique is still standing.

Master hatter Jay Vaghela greets every client as they walk in.

Hello, how are you?

Narrator: Most hat stores don't do custom shaping and sizing, but at Lock & Co., customers don't get off-the-rack treatment.

Spot on, 61.
