


Wisconsin voters chose Donald Trump in 2016 but Joe Biden four years later, and it was close both times, so Wisconsin could go either way in this election, with a nearly evenly divided electorate, splitting most public opinion polls.

In a close race, both sides are trying to gain ground with new voters.

For Republicans that means trying to cut into Democrats' historic advantage with black voters.

Orlando Owens is the Republic party's first African-American chair in Milwaukee County.

Who is supporting your kids' education right now, who's supporting black businesses right now, who's supporting the idea of having a secure border right now, who's supporting the idea of your gun rights right now, that you can defend yourself?

Four years ago, Biden won Wisconsin by fewer than 21,000 votes but carried Milwaukee by more than 145,000 votes.

Analysis by Marquette University says 53% of those winning ballots for Biden came from majority-black wards.

Milwaukee doesn't have to turn Republican.

We just need to have a uptick, that's why it's so important if we can get a just a small bump here in the city, a small bump in the county, we win the state, we win the state, we win the country.

Trump told supporters that his multiple criminal indictments have helped him with black voters.
