Introducing Microsoft Mesh


在今年的IT盛会Ignite 2021上,微软发布了 Microsoft Mesh,业界首个可为用户带来身临其境协作体验的混合现实平台。可以帮助人们在混合现实世界中增强连接,人们不一定处在同一场所,却可以如同在现实中相遇。旨在通过以人为中心的物理世界和数字世界的融合,体现数字信息进入现实世界的价值。微软云计算平台 Azure 为其提供了极其强大的计算、Al、数据和应用程序服务的支持,仿佛科幻电影走进现实世界。

Connection is a spark that gives our lives meaning.

It drives us to seek out others who feel the same way.

Okay. Why don't you input the data and we'll take a look together.

Hey, Mari. What you got for me?

To find those who share our views, yet offer different perspectives.

Challenge us with new ways of seeing.

Deepen our understanding.

And enrich our lives.

Great things happen when we commit to something bigger than ourselves.

Take a closer look at it.
