How deep is your money vocabulary?


bargain bankroll insolvent The correct answer: insolvent The bank was insolvent and unable to repay its debts.

arrears beggar dependant The correct answer: arrears He lost his job and then fell into arrears with his payments.

ground bottom rear The correct answer: bottom If the bottom falls out of the real estate market, he will lose a lot of money.

agitating contending haggling The correct answer: haggling He is accustomed to haggling over prices.

level balanced even The correct answer: even If you pay for the meals, we'll be even.

blue-chip white-nick yellow flag The correct answer: blue-chip You can make a lot of money from this blue-chip company.

below under before The correct answer: under The firm will go under if the business does not improve.

dawn sunshine daylight The correct answer: daylight The cost of repairs in this city is daylight robbery.

overreached overdrawn overplayed The correct answer: overdrawn It also gives a warning when your account is overdrawn.

bargain covenant shoplifting The correct answer: bargain The coat he bought was a real bargain.
