《史蒂夫·乔布斯》 Learn English with Movies – Steve Jobs


In the US, summer is for sun, sand, and blockbuster movies.

And this summer, we're going to use those movies to learn English and study how to sound American.

Every video this summer is going to be a study English with Movies video.

We'll pull scenes from the summer's hottest movies as well as favorite movies from years past.

It's amazing what we can discover by studying even a small bit of English dialogue.

We'll study how to understand movies, what makes Americans sound American, and of course, any interesting vocabulary, phrasal verbs, or idioms that come up in the scenes we study.

I call this kind of exercise a Ben Franklin exercise.

First, we'll watch the scene. Then, we'll do an in-depth analysis of what we hear together.

This is going to be so much fun.

Be sure to tell your friends and spread the word that all summer long, every Tuesday, we're studying English with movies here at Rachel's English.
