考前如何减压 Exam Stress: How to plan ahead to be Stress Free



EXAMS, the dreaded five-letter word in every student's vocabulary. Just the mere mention of it is enough to induce stress, every student's worst enemy.

Hold on to your adrenaline and don't get stressed for we have got you covered.

So what is the science behind getting stressed?

The amygdala located in the brain senses potentially stressful situations and activates the hypothalamus which carries the message to the pituitary gland.

The pituitary gland then in turn activates the adrenal gland which results in secretion of the hormone's adrenaline and cortisone.

These hormones are responsible for inducing the fight-or-flight response in the body.

When stress levels get too intense, it results in negative symptoms. Keep on watching to find out the best ways to deal with exam stress and how you can transform it from your worst enemy into your friend.

Number one: plan ahead.

One of the key factors contributing to stress during exams is the massive workload.

The best way to tackle this is to start studying well in advance, so that the study material can be dealt in small doses instead of one megadose avoiding the volcano effect.
