滑板如何变成400美元的碗 How Skateboards Become $400 Bowls | World Wide Waste | Business Insider



Two brothers are turning busted skateboards into furniture and bowls.

Adrian and Martinus Pool have been skating the streets of Alberta, Canada, for more than 20 years.

They've now turned that hobby into a thriving business.

At the beginning, we were only building from the material that we were able to scrounge up through dumpster diving outside construction sites, and then also the skateboards.

About 2 million skateboards end up in landfills every year.

After working in construction, the Pool brothers have spent the past decade upcycling thousands of those boards into earrings, coffee tables, and their signature bowls.

Seeing just the amount of material that gets thrown out on construction sites is pretty alarming.

That's something that we factor into our approach with our work.

We went to Calgary to see how their company, AdrianMartinus, is making homeware out of worldwide waste.

Skateboards are made out of maple wood that goes through a special treatment allowing it to be peeled into thin sheets.
