迷人英音 | 艾玛女神谈娱乐圈反欺凌和骚扰准则


So the BFI is launching a new set of principles, there's eight of them, and they are to do with bullying and harassment in the entertainment industry.

These principles are important because up until recently there were no guidelines, there was no protocol for someone that had been sexually harassed in the entertainment industry.

And I noticed it to be a fact, because I've asked for principles I've asked to see guidelines, and no one could give them to me, no one could send me, Okay, here's the protocol that we follow when someone's had this experience, which I found shocking.

But one of the good things that's come out of this terrible situation is that the BFI in partnership with equity, trade unions, you know, and 40 other really major organizations in the entertain industry have come together to put together this set of guidelines.

They understand the subtleties of the hierarchy that works on a film set what it's like to work really long strange unsociable hours.

The BFI is enshrining the set of principles in their diversity standards, and what this means is that anyone that applies of funding from the BFI has to sign this agreement and that they cannot receive funding without it.

We hope that the industry will embrace and adopt this set of guidelines. And that as a result, it's just going to become second nature for everyone that there will just be more awareness and and a sense of being more mindful.

So the other really cool thing about these standards is that they don't just address protection, they also address equal representation.

Basically the industry is going to have to start embracing a greater diversity of voices.

So that means women, that means BAME community, the LGBTQI community and people with disabilities. And this is really important, because their voices haven't been heard, and currently we have an entertainment industry that is not representative, and does not look like the world that we live in.
