Snap is making… a drone? 🚁


- The first question you probably have is, why?

Why is Snap making a drone, or as they wanna call it, a flying camera?

It's a good question.

I've been following Snap's interest in making something like this for several years, it's been something they've wanted to do for a while.

Snap calls itself a camera company, and yeah, it is kind of out of left field, but that's really the history of Snap if we think about it.

Dating back to renaming from Snapchat to Snap, and releasing spectacles in those yellow vending machines.

Now they have AR spectacles on the hardware side, but those aren't really a thing yet, you can't even buy them.

This is something I could see people who have never been into drones getting into just because of how easy it is to use.

It's affordable, it's approachable, there's a low barrier of entry to getting it running, editing, sharing it with friends.

I think that this thing actually has a shot at being successful.
