

04 贝多芬悲第8钢琴奏鸣曲(《悲怆奏鸣曲》) Pathetique Sonata, Op.13, Movement 2/contradanse # 1 In C Major

My dear Christoph, Today I received two of your letters at once.

I will admit, Mr. Beethoven does not seem to be an easy guest.

Perhaps I can help though, by saying that as strange as Mr. Beethoven seems, there are reasons for the way he acts.

You see, all day long, he is hearing his music in his head.

He doesn't think, perhaps, how very strange he sometimes seems to us.

We hear only his wild noises, but he is hearing beautiful music, music he will someday share with us.

They say he is working on a new symphony. It will be his ninth.

. . . . . .

Dear Uncle, Today, Mr. Beethoven appeared in our doorway downstairs.

And it was as if a bear had dropped in for tea.
