The Lord of the Rings: Great Books Explained


This episode is sponsored  by the Manhattan rare Book Company.

In 1954, JRR tolken was 62 years old, and had just spent the last 16 years working industriously on a book.

It was now time  to release it into the world, and he was very nervous.

And he should have been, because  no one had seen anything quite like "The Lord of the Rings" before.

It was a huge risk for the  Publishers who were convinced that it wouldn't sell many copies.

Who was the audience for  this strange book filled with unfamiliar and unpronouncable names of people and places?

Was  it a children's book like The Hobbit?

It certainly had Wizards and strange creatures, and it was  also an epic adventure of some kind.

It was also very, very, long.

Three volumes in fact, and several  appendices.
