Sarah Polley & Francis Ford Coppola | Directors on Directors


- If you had told me when I was doing "The Godfather, " that this movie not only was gonna be remembered but was gonna be considered good, I'd thought you nuts because everyone hated it.

Everyone hated what I was doing.

So you never know what's gonna happen.

(upbeat music) I'd like to ask you what your basic idea was in the adaptation you made of Miriam Toews' novel, "Women Talking?" - The novel when I read it just kind of went through me like a bullet.

It was asking so many essential questions and I just loved how big and philosophical and spiritual she managed to make this kind of intimate story about this community of women coming together to figure out how to remake their world together.

(ethereal music) - [Speaker] Girls in our colony had very little schooling.

We hardly knew how to read or to write, but that day we learned how to vote.

(child crying) (ethereal music) - I didn't get when I first thought how specific it was and I took it more metaphorically, then when I read a little bit about Miriam Toews, I knew she was a Mennonite, when I saw the movie, it was more to me like a big statement about our society today, everywhere in the world in which women are still in a way being attacked and rather than revered.

I wonder, I'd be interested to ask Sarah, if the Miriam's novel did that or that was a vision that you did when you came to think to adapt it?

- We spoke about it from the beginning as a fable.
