如何制作奶油欧楂果泥 How to Make a Medlar Fool — The Victorian Way


Good afternoon.

Today, you find me putting the finishing touches to dessert.

These are medlars and I have quite a few left over.

So I thought I might make a medlar fool.

For this recipe, you will need medlars, sugar, cream.

Every meal ends with dessert.

It's the end of the meal intended to cleanse the palate rather than fill you up.

After all, everyone's already had a course of soup, fish, meat, vegetables, and sweet entremets.

A good dessert is mostly fresh fruit, nuts, ices, although some people do like biscuits to dunk into wine and perhaps some bonbons and other sweetmeats.

It's a good way to show off the gardener's skillsa display of fresh fruit at the very peak of its perfection.
