什么是网络中立性,为何它如此重要 Net Neutrality Why it's So Important.


In CPR training in Middle School, I think it was, they taught us that before you start administering CPR you call 911 yourself, or you point to one person, and you say "You! Call 911." The bigger the crowd, the more important it is that you don't just say "Somebody call 911!" This is to account for the Bystander effect.

This is also called bystander apathy and it is a social psychological phenomenon in which individuals are unlikely to help a victim when other people are also present.

This effect came to light in 1964.

Despite her very audible screaming and her being in clear view of neighbors, apparently, no one called the police when 28-year-old Kitty Genovese was being stabbed to death.

Now, actually, the validity of the report is somewhat disputed, but the bystander effect was demonstrated by John Darley and Bibb Latané in 1968 through a number of experiments.

Basically, people's chances of taking action decline drastically when they assume that others are handling it.

The point of this is to highlight the importance of not being a bystander when it comes to net neutrality.

Net Neutrality is not a murder case, but if you know what net neutrality is and you do not want it to be repealed on December 14th, good, pick up the phone and start dialing Congress.

Or protest or take some action bigger than a copy-paste email message.

Check the description for where to call or what to do.
