东京奥运新运动项目首秀 World Debut Official Trailer


Yeah, this would never fly in the Olympics. People thought, "These are not good kids." - Get your ass out of here.

Even in their best intentions, they still saw us as this sort of novelty. It was impossible. It was literally impossible.

Part of the fear was that it was going to ruin climbing. Who's going to do this? The people in the room.

It's us that's going to do this. This unique Olympic debut for these sports had taken a twist that none of us expected at the start of the journey.

The gatekeepers of the Olympics, if they can get it right and provide the platforms for these sports, could be the biggest thing that happened to the Olympics. We have to take a look at the world around us.

The time for change is now. Yes! Yes.

- Yeah, Mami! - Sick. I think there's only maybe three people that have done that.
