Groom of the Stool is the Worst Jobs in History



历史上曾经出现过不少令人瞠目结舌的职业。“粪便男仆 (Groom of Stool)” 便是其一。




Groom of the stool, disgusting jobs in history.

What was a job in Tudor times that required absolute trust paid well, but was very smelly?

This was the groom of the Kings close stool or groom of the stool.

In this job, the groom of the stool would undress the King and waited for the King to finish going to the toilet.

Then he would wipe the King's backside using cotton and a bowl of water, drying it with a towel.

Sometimes the excrements was taken away to be inspected by doctors to make sure that King was healthy.

The groom would monitor the King's diet and mealtimes.

Scheduling his day around when he needed to go to the toilet.

The job title emerged during the 15th century with the invention of the clothes stool.

This was a portable toilet that resembled a chair with a chamber pot underneath.
