Why Malcolm Gladwell used to get pulled over by the Police | BookTube


I remember as a child, we would go at Christmas to see my grandparents.

And I would witness-- you know, we were coming from England, the most reserved country on Earth, and we were going to Jamaica, one of the more extroverted countries on Earth.

And I remember as a kid, like, I would just be so perplexed.

I would see my uncle, like, you know, at the gas station shouting at the-- someone who worked at the gas station.

And, you know, it would turn out later they were friends.

I was like, "You just were yelling at them." What is going on?" I mean, this little, like, totally perplexed six-year-old, you know, kind of wondering, "Why are you yelling at this person who's your friend?" - It's, like, no, it's just Jamaica.

- Exactly.

A love of the hyperbolic.

In a word, Malcolm Gladwell is... A very quiet mystery which I would like to unravel.

He's the kind of person you can just have a conversation for, like, three or four hours.
