02 《星际穿越》:超越时间——爱与时间背后的星际意义(Part2) Transcending Time _ Interstellar's Hidden Meaning Behind Love and Time


It is well known that Nolan collaborated with theoretical physicist Kip Thorne to base the film on actual science.

They deliberated on things like wormholes and black holes.

But for the purpose of this video, I'm going to focus on time.

What is time in Interstellar?

To answer this question Nolan again turned to science, which unfortunately doesn't provide a clear answer.

Time is the thing that everyone knows intimately.

Until you ask them to tell you about it.

There is basically no aspect, of time which I feel we really fully understand.

Thanks to Einstein and his Theory of General Relativity, we do know that time and space are connected, establishing our experienced universe in four dimensions, also referred to as space-time.

One important discovery of this is that our experience of the past, the present, and the future is actually just an illusion, when, in fact time exists all at once.
