最强英音:又一枚英音老克腊Richard E Grant










今天,在专栏《最强英音》中,我和大家一起分享Richard E Grant。这也是船长英音小伙伴小Ber的又一推荐。Richard E Grant在1983年开始进入人们视野的老戏骨。但至今仍然可以在影视作品中看到他,比如电视剧《洛基》,Doctor Who,《唐顿庄园》中。甚至在今年,他还在四部电影和两部电视剧中出演角色。是一个相当高产的人。

  Richard E Grant出生在非洲,但是在英语环境中长大,直到成年后他移居英国。据说他一直有记日记的习惯,源于他在10岁时目睹了母亲出轨了父亲的好朋友,并导致了两人的离婚。



  Richard E Grant至今有69部电影,53部电视剧以及各类其他的作品,实在量产惊人。如果有你喜欢的角色,也欢迎在留言区分享给大家。今天我和大家分享的这段视频,是他的一段广告,而且其中还带了一些私货。他除了演绎事业外,还和女儿一起经营着香水生意。这段视频中一共分为几个内容,包括礼物,烹饪,休闲时光等,可以一起作为英音练习的方向。




Oh, hi. I’m Richard E Grant. And instead of being in cold wintery London, I’m here in LA.

As Christmas is a time for receiving and giving gifts, I have here the gift to myself. It is Jack perfume which I created four years ago. Give yourself a spritz of this, and you won’t feel alone for long.

I think giving presents is much more pleasurable than receiving them. A perfect gift would be to be with people that you love more than everybody else.

I’m an unashamed Christmas-aholic, so I usually indulge myself in triple helpings of turkey, cranberry sauce and then Christmas pudding. Before I finally pass out like a python. But as I’m in LA, I’m gonna be making the Mr. Porter Christmas morning smoothie. One cup of strawberries, half a banana, only one teaspoon of avocado but what the hell, it’s Christmas. And now pumpkin seeds. Here we go.

And just for the finale, for the Nigella touch, some cranberries. Is this better than my Christmas pudding? Christmas dinner? Yes, of course it is. So what I’ve got here, a mince pie, excuse me.

In the midst of the madness of the holiday season, always try and find some time to just take time for yourself and to meditate. Richard, tune the meditation music. (Playing meditational mix...)

Dariling, yeah, no I’m sorry, I can’t talk right now. Yeah. now the phone’s …

Oh, sorry, hi. the worst thing that I ever did at Christmas time was my wife’s birthday is just before Christmas and I stupidly gave her a combined present one year. Disaster. Oh, sorry, I said to get back. Lots of love, bye.


spritz /sprɪts/ n. 喷

🌰举例:A quick spritz of scent and I'm ready.

python /ˈpaɪ.θən/ n.巨蟒

🌰举例:Seasonal differences in body condition of water pythons mirrored the results for feeding rates.

avocado /ˌæv.əˈkɑː.dəʊ/ n. 鳄梨
举例:I tried the linen trousers in a shade of avocado green.

finale /fɪˈnɑː.li/ n. 最后一幕

🌰举例:All the dancers come on stage during the grand finale.

Nigella 这里指英国美食作家Nigella Lawson

音标来源/ Longman Pronunciation Dictionary & Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary


  1. 在英语发音中,一些字母的组合可能会呈现出与单独状态不同的现象,比如LA,较为通常的念法是/ˌelˈeɪ/。

  2. 有些很细微的地方如果掌握地精准,往往会让人感受清晰和眼前一亮。比如Mr.这个称谓词,通常它的存在感不会很强,但仍然要注意kit元音的控制力,会让句子的发音在这个点上“站立起来”。

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