The Real Way Blockbusters Make Their Money - Cheddar Explains


This is a list of most of the top 10 highest grossing films of all time.

So what do all these films have in common?

For one thing, they're almost all franchises that have many sequels.

They're all rated PG 13.

Nearly only about half of the money they all raked in collectively was brought in through box office sales.

The other half is made in a much more unexpected way that wasn't really directly related to the target audience of the film.

To make any kind of franchise, especially the cinematic kind that's funny many sequels, you have to make a lot of money off of your film.

this financial return and judging how will audiences like movies, usually comes in the form of tracking box office sales.

But the actual money made off of each ticket is split in more ways than you might think.

Well, this is a perfectly adequate system.
