如何活到100岁 How To Live To 100


The UN estimates by 2050 3.2 million people will be 100 years or older, compared to 316 000 in 2011.

So, what can you do to become a part of this elite centenarian club?

How can you, live to 100?

There are some obvious steps like, stop getting take-out. 65 year-olds who cooked 5 times a week were 47% more likely to live an extra decade.

Becoming a vegetarian means you have a 12% lowered risk of premature death.

And, if you have to keep eating meat, lay off the cold-cuts.

Processed meats like sausage, bacon, and cold-cuts are linked to a higher incidence of dying from cancer and heart disease.

Less obviously​, could you win an Oscar?

Winners, on average live 4 years longer than their losing peers.

Even a Nobel Prize could help, as finalists end upliving 1 to 2 years longer than their runner-ups.
