

01 宇宙何其小 How Small Is the Universe?

Astronomers have long tried to understand our place as tiny specs in the vastness of the universe.

But there is another expanse of the universe to explore, a bizarre realm in which we are giants, the weird world of the very small.

This is a journey into the heart of the matter, a journey down the biggest rabbit hole in history.

It's perfectly possible that in the high-energy end of our data, right now we are occasionally making miniature black holes.

A journey smaller than you can see, smaller than an atom, where nothing is what it seems.

The more fundamental things are, the nicer it is to look inside them.

Into a wonderland which seems far removed from reality...

Gravity is leaking into the extra dimensions.

Down to the very smallest structure of the universe.

We should expect space-time to be not smooth as we presently imagine, but more like the foam of a cappuccino.
