3 如何回答面试问题 "你最大的成就是什么?" College Admission_ How to Answer _What's Your Biggest Accomplishment__ During Interviews & in Essays


The next question we're going to address is what's been your biggest accomplishment.

And this one has several different variations as well, another variation of this question is "Tell me about an obstacle you've overcome." Or "Tell me about a time you've demonstrated leadership or you've demonstrated persistence." And what the interviewer is looking for here is they want to make sure that you have leadership ability.

You're not just the student that sits in the back of the classroom and doesn't do anything extracurricular and just kind of bumps along through life.

They want people who are gonna come into their University and make contributions.

They also want to show that you're dedicated.

So when you answer this question, pick an example of something that you actually had to work at to be good at, or something that you put a lot of effort to accomplish.

And then they want to see that you can get results.

They are trying to find people to come to their University that can get things done.

To answer this question, I recommend you use a framework called the star story framework and I'm gonna break it down and show you what constitutes a star story.

The S in star stands for situation.
