


Hi, I'm Scientific American podcast editor Steve Mirsky. And here's a short piece from the July 2018 issue of the magazine, in the section we call Advances: Dispatches From The Frontiers Of Science, Technology And Medicine:

Eagle Eye by Simon Makin Our abilities to see things that appear fleetingly or in cluttered environments or outside our focus of attention

are all determined by a single perceptual capacity trait that varies among people, that's the finding of a new study. Researchers involved say these results could one day help scientifically predict an individual's performance in jobs

that rely on strong observational skills. Researchers at University College London tested participants on a range of visual tasks.

One measured how well people could estimate the number of objects appearing on a screen for a tenth of a second- a capacity known as subitizing.

Others measured the ability to notice small differences between two real-world scenes; to detect a change at a screen's edge while focusing on the center;

and to track multiple moving dots among static ones. People who excelled at subitizing also tended to perform better on the other tasks.

The team reported online in March in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. Theoretically, performance on any task that relies on this perceptual ability (not just those studied)

could predict performance on any other. The researchers also demonstrated that perceptual capacity is distinct from general cognitive ability

and ruled out other possible factors such as varying levels of motivation. The findings are interesting and plausible-
