


今天,我们给各位来点不一样的:由科普之王 DK 出版的这本《狗狗百科》。

本期试播,就用我的爱犬哈士奇(英文名 Husky)打头阵。下面走起~

本文选自 The Dog Encyclopedia

先带各位领略下 DK 的精美版面

This versatile and sociabledog enjoys being a part of a human "pack," but itsurge to chase needs to be controlled.


versatile /ˈvɜːsətaɪl/ adj. 多才多艺的,有多种技能的

○ He is a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts. 他是一个多才多艺的演员,曾经扮演过各种各样的角色。

sociable /ˈsəʊʃəbl/ adj. 好交际的,合群的

○ She's a sociable child who'll talk to anyone. 她是个合群的孩子,跟谁都有话说。

pack /pæk/ n. 一群动物

○ a pack of hounds 一群猎犬

urge /'ɜːdʒ/ n. 冲动,强烈的欲望

○ I had a sudden urge to hit him. 我突然很想揍他一顿。


Long used as a sled dog by the Chukchi people of northeastern Siberia, the Siberian Husky has great endurance and an appetite for work. The thick double coat protects against extreme cold; at night the dog uses its bushy tail to keep its face warm.


sled /sled/ n. 雪橇

○ a sled dog 雪橇犬

Chukchi /ˈtʃuktʃi:/ n. 楚克奇人

appetite /ˈæpɪtaɪt/ n. 食欲,渴望,爱好

○ He has a healthy appetite. 他胃口很好。

○ Americans' growing appetite for scandal 美国人对丑闻日益增强的好奇心

coat /kəʊt/ n.(动物的)皮毛

○ a thick and glossy coat 又厚又滑的皮毛

bushy /'bʊʃɪ/ adj. 浓密的,茂密的

○ His eyebrows are thick and bushy. 他的眉毛又粗又浓。


In 1908 Huskies from Siberia were introduced to Alaska for dogsled racing, notably the 408-mile (657-km) All-Alaska Sweepstakes. In 1930 the Soviets stopped the export of Siberian Huskies, but that year the American Kennel Club recognized the breed. The Siberian Husky proved itself in polar expeditions, and in the US Army's Arctic Search and Rescue Unit during World War II. The breed remains popular in sports such as dogsled racing.

1908 年,来自西伯利亚的哈士奇被引入阿拉斯加参加狗拉雪橇比赛,其中最有名的是全长 408 英里(约合 657 公里)的全阿拉斯加大奖赛。1930 年,苏联停止出口西伯利亚哈士奇,但当年美国养犬俱乐部正式认可了哈士奇这个犬种。西伯利亚哈士奇不仅在极地探险中证明了自己的实力,也在二战期间美国陆军北极搜救部队中表现优异。另外,哈士奇在拉雪橇比赛等众多体育项目中仍颇受欢迎。

be introduced to 被引入,被传入

○ The grey squirrel was introduced into Britain from North America. 灰松鼠是由北美引入英国的。

sweepstake /ˈswiːpsteɪk/ n. 赢者通吃制,赌金全赢制

○ sweep /swiːp/ v. 横扫;席卷

○ stake /steɪk/ n. 赌注;股份

kennel /'ken(ə)l/ n. 狗窝,犬舍;养狗场

○ Sporting dogs should be kept out of doors in a kennel. 猎狗应该养在户外的狗窝中。

○ We put the dog in kennels when we go away. 我们外出时把狗寄养在养狗场。

prove oneself in sth. 在……中证明自己

○ She has proved herself to be a very reliable worker. 她证明了自己在工作上是非常可靠的。

polar /'pəʊlə/ adj. 南/北极的,极地的

○ Warmth melted some of the polar ice. 温暖的天气融化了一些极地的冰雪。

expedition /ekspɪ'dɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 远征,探险

○ to lead on an expedition to the North Pole 带队去北极探险

Arctic /'ɑːktɪk/ adj. 北极的

○ Antarctic /ænt'ɑːktɪk/ adj. 南极的

○ Arctic/Antarctic explorers 北极/南极探险者


Siberian Huskies make peaceable, lovable companions but need plenty of exercise. They are independent-minded, and their instinct to pull means that they need careful training on the leash. Siberian Huskies have a strong pack instinct and need to be with both people and other dogs. They tend to see small animals as prey, so owners should socialize their puppy with other pets early on. The coat should be groomed once or twice a week.


peaceable /'piːsəb(ə)l/ adj. 平和的,爱好和平的

○ a peaceable character 性格平和的人

companion /kəm'pænjən/ n. 伴侣,同伴

○ His dog became his closest companion. 他的狗成了他最亲密的伙伴。

instinct /'ɪnstɪŋ(k)t/ n. 本能

○ His first instinct was to run away. 他的本能反应就是逃跑。

leash /liːʃ/ n.(牵狗的)绳子,皮带

○ All dogs must be kept on a leash in public places. 在公共场所所有的狗必须用绳子牵住。

prey /preɪ/ n. 猎物

○ a tiger stalking its prey 潜行跟踪猎物的老虎

socialize /ˈsəʊʃəˌlaɪz/ v. 社交,交往,交际

○ He didn't mind socializing with his staff. 他不介意和自己的员工打成一片。

puppy /'pʌpɪ/ n. 小狗,幼犬

○ a litter of puppies 一窝小狗

groom /gruːm/ v. 理毛,梳毛

○ Their main preoccupation is licking and grooming themselves. 它们的主要兴趣就是用舌头清洁、梳理自己的毛皮。


虎哥:我从小就是一个百科迷,小时候拿到一套 DK 出版的百科全书,立马就被里面的精美图片和丰富内容吸引到了。




所以某天,当我在网上发掘到 DK 出版社的一系列百科全书时,心里按捺不住想把这套资源做成内容的冲动,于是就有了这期「虎说百科」。






从布偶猫到 F22 轰炸机,再到如何做好一杯咖啡……欢迎各位把你们心水的东西、感兴趣的话题,分享到评论区~






