How I Take 0 Notes in Medical School


So I take zero notes in medical school.

Yeah,I really take no notes in medical school.

In this video,I'm gonna show you exactly how I do that,and how after I started taking no notes,I actually started performing better than I ever did before.

If you don't know me,my name is Zach and I'm a second year medical student in Philadelphia.

I made a video about this before and I took a deep dive into the literature about what study techniques have shown to be more effective than other study techniques.

In general,summarizing,highlighting, and rereading are really not that good a study techniques in comparison,active recall,space repetition,and practice testing are effective and evidence-based techniques that work.

I've also tried to kind of generalize this guide so it's not just for medical school if you're kind of studying for college or in any other course,you can use the tips and tricks that I'm gonna outline here and help you perform better in whatever you're studying.

So prerequisites to this video,there's a couple of things that you need to know about.

You need to know about Anki.

I have a couple of videos on it,but you just need to know in general that it's a flashcard app that'll help you study.
