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Playing the Qin to a Water Buffalo




Once upon a time, there was a talented musician named Gongming Yi, whose mastery of the qin mesmerized every one. Every time he played the qin in public, crowds flocked to hear him; and every time he finished his performance, people were left in awe, longing for more. Even the king praised his musical skills, saying his performance had always carried a depth of emotion that transcended mere music.

However, the endless praise had left him feeling bored and unchallenged. He longed for something more than just the echo of his past success.

One day, Gongming was wandering alone along a river bank, when he saw a water buffalo grazing peacefully. A question struck him: could this beast understand his music?

The more he thought about it, the more excited he got.

“It’s no news that music connects with people,” he thought, “but if my music could do more than that… if even the beasts could resonate with my music… it would bring me everlasting fame!”

My bovine friend,” He said to the water buffalo, “as you enjoy your exquisite dinner, may I suggest a harmonious interlude? Well, you keep silent. I’ll take it as a yes then. My mastery of the qin is unmatched, surely you are going to appreciate it.

He then sat poised, fingers gently caressing the strings of the qin. A mournful melody unfurled as he poured his soul into the music. As the last notes faded away, there was still a palpable sense of sadness lingering in the air.

The water buffalo grazed with indifference.

Gongming felt quite frustrated. That was actually his most praised piece.

“Ah, I see you are not quite a fan of sad melodies, my dear buffalo. Never mind. I’ll continue with a merry piece. I’m sure this one will find its way to your soul.”

He started to play a new piece. His nimble fingers danced across the strings, each note like a smile that carried a sense of infectious joy and energy. Any listener would be instantly drawn into a world of happiness.

But the water buffalo responded by ambling away to a different patch of grass, and continued grazing.

Gongming stood up, trying hard to hold back his anger: “Apparently you have some personality problems, Mr. Buffalo. The love of music, I believe, transcends the boundaries of species. Pretending to be indifferent to what everybody loves doesn’t make you a cool buffalo or whatever!”

Then he heard a stifled laughter.

He looked up, and saw in a nearby tree a young boy, who apparently had witnessed the whole scene.

Gongming glanced at him sharply.

"Hey, dude," the boy said, "you don’t have to worry about the beast's mood. This music won’t touch its heart. In fact, no music will. If you really want to touch it, try making a sound like a mosquito instead!"

Skeptically, Gongming did so. The water buffalo immediately stopped grazing, raised its head, and swayed its tail wildly.

The musician felt like a joke.

"And if you imitate a calf’s crying, you might just hit the spot!" The boy added, "Your music was too fancy for it. I like it, but to a water buffalo, it was just noise."

  The qin, also known as guqin, is a traditional Chinese musical instrument that has been played for over 3000 years. It is a type of zither with seven strings.



Similar expressions in English:

Talking to a brick wall: Trying to communicate with someone who is not listening or not responsive to what you are saying.


I tried to explain the situation to my boss, but it felt like I was talking to a brick wall; he just wouldn’t listen.

Casting pearls before swine: Offering something valuable to someone who cannot appreciate its worth, or who is unworthy of it.


She felt like she was casting pearls before swine when she tried to explain the intricacies of her research to her classmates who were not interested.

