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The Cicada, the Mantis, and the Siskin


朗读:Phil, Eric, 陈灵

As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, the world began to stir with the promise of a new day. In the dappled light of a forest, a cicada woke up. The glitter of morning dews and the rustling of leaves easily pleased this creature, who had lived underground until recently.

“Oh, what a glorious day to be alive! To feel the warmth of the sun on my back, and the gentle breeze in my wings!” exclaimed the cicada, “oh, how I love to see the flowers bloom, the birds soar, and the trees stand tall! Oh, how lovely this world is! The timeless cycle of life and rebirth!”

“How wonderful to feel that I, a humble cicada, is part of this magnificent tapestry of life!” tears of joy filled its eyes, “Salute! To the new beginning, growth, and transformation! To the boundless love of life, which embraces us all equally!”

“For all of life’s wonders, I must sing a song!” it began to sing, “Oh, life's beauty, how it fills my heart! And in its presence, I find a brand new start!”

The cicada sang passionately. it was so lost in the ode to life, that it didn’t realize its predator was just a few inches behind. A mantis, who had waited patiently, was now holding its spiky forelegs high, ready to strike.

Many things rushed through the mantis’ mind before it made a move. It had been dealing with a lot lately: an intense battle for mate had cost it one of its legs; two fighting squirrels had destroyed its habitat; and its recent poetry work had made it a laughing stock. At this particular moment, with breakfast in front, the mantis didn’t get excited at all, but rather, it felt a deep sense of futility.

"What is the point?” the mantis thought. “Here I am, consumed by doubt and despair, driven by instinct to hunt and kill, while this cicada, so full of life and love, ignorantly awaits its fate as my breakfast.”

"What is the point of loving it all? To live, to strive, to struggle day in and day out, only to meet the same fate as those before me? Life’s cruel, like a never-ending cycle of birth and death, with no meaning or purpose.” the mantis sighed silently.

“Poor cicada, perhaps being ignorant like you is a bliss, and I…” tears welled up in its eyes with its forelegs still held up high. “… am cursed with the burden of knowledge. For what good is it to know the truth if it only brings despair? Maybe it is better to live in ignorance.”

But no, I can’t un-know what I know. I am doomed to wander alone in this world, burdened by the weight of my wisdom, searching for meaning that never exists …”

The mantis was consumed by its existential despair, not realizing there was a siskin behind, watching it with keen interest.

The siskin, unlike the cicada or the mantis, was never metaphysical. The only question that went through its mind was whether to take them both in one go, or one at a time. It didn’t bother the bird for long, anyway.

The siskin’s children had a great meal that morning.



Similar expression in English

The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel.


In the competitive world of business, the wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel, allowing opportunistic rivals to gain an advantage.


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