商界女性希望创建一个更绿色的莫桑比克 Businesswomen Envision a Greener Mozambique | VOANews


Vania Lazaro likes to add a new plant to her garden whenever possible.

Over the past six months, she has been testing a new fertilizer on her flour and vegetable beds at her home in Maputo Mozambique.

She says that thanks to the product called N'toko Organic, her plants are healthier.

We incorporate N'toko Organic compounds into our garden as they are biodegradable and free of chemicals.

This ensures that we consume healthier food.

After a few unsuccessful projects, Mozambican entrepreneur Marcia Dima Jone founded N'toko Organic.

She says it was during a business competition that she realized that she could produce fertilizer from organic waste such as dried leaves, vegetables, and fruit.

N'toko Organic collects its fertilizer-making ingredients from the community itself.

We distribute buckets to people's homes accompanied by labels indicating the types of materials they can deposit into these buckets.

This approach ensures the quality of our raw materials.
