Negative Space | Oscar Nominated Stop-Motion Animation | Short of the Week


《负空间》(Negative Space)是Max Porter和Ru Kuwahata共同执导的一部动画短片 。此片改编自Ron Koertge的散文诗,通过爸爸给儿子传授打包技巧的情节,描绘了浓浓的父子之情。一件衬衣、一双袜子、一条皮带、一双鞋……不能陪孩子远行,爸爸把自己的心意都装进了行李箱。

My dad taught me how to pack: lay out everything.

Put back half.

Roll things that roll.

Wrinkle-prone things on top of cotton things.

Then pants, waist to hem.

Nooks and crannies for socks.

Belts around the sides like snakes.

Plastic over that.

Then, add shoes.

Wear heavy stuff.
