学习用英语表达恐惧和惊讶的十大方法 Learn the Top 10 Ways to Express Fear and Surprise in English


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Hi, everybody, welcome back to top words. My name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about 10 ways to express fear and surprise. Let's get started.

You scared me! The first expression is you scared me, you scared me. So to scare is the verb here and we're using the past tense you scared me.

So you caused me to be frightened. You scared me. We use this when we feel surprised or scared. So your friend suddenly jumps out from, you scared me.

I thought you tipped over a liquid onto the camera. So you scared me. It's like yeah, oh my gosh, you frightened me, in other words, you caused me to be afraid. In a sentence: Aaaah! You scared me!

You scared the __ out of me! The next expression is you scared the something out of me, you scared the blah blah blah out of me.

In the blah blah blah here in the space, we can use a lot of different words. Some of them are really really rude words.

You might have heard a few of these on like TV shows or in English-speaking movies. So in this lesson, I'm going to introduce like some kind of not so rude words.

You can use you scared like the bejesus out of me. You scared the heck out of me. You scared the hell out of me. So it's a more extreme version of you scared me.
