走进纽约最高档的古董店 Inside New York's Most Exclusive Vintage Shop


位于曼哈顿切尔西地区的New York Vintage是纽约的一家顶级古董和复古服装商店,其中售卖的精选商品都是一些历史悠久且实则难得一见的精品。店内从19世纪初到20世纪90年代的服装、珠宝和配饰应有尽有,每一件都经过精选,确保其质量和独特性。

I'm Kim Bhasin, luxury reporter at Bloomberg, here to invite you into the most exclusive realms of luxury retail.

This is Invitation Only.

Today, I'm in Chelsea, the Manhattan neighborhood with everything a fancy person could ask for.

Tons of super expensive art.

A bustling, pricey market.

And a formally posh hotel turned historic landmark.

Once home to notable fancy guests like Lillie Langtry, Milos Forman, Jane Fonda, and Bette Midler.

So with its knack at preserving old beautiful things, it shouldn't be a surprise that Chelsea is also home to the world's fanciest used clothing shop, New York Vintage.


