直觉 Apple CEO Tim Cook on Intuition


- You've talked about your decision to go to Apple back in 1998 and how people forget that at that point in time, Apple was really close to extinction almost.

It was certainly in the eyes of some.

And you had just actually started a new job at Compaq, which was a healthy, vibrant company at the time.

And so you then go to Apple shortly after having accepted this job and you said you spent about five minutes talking to Steve Jobs and your intuition told you, despite all of the reasons not to do this, that this is where I should be.

So my question is, given the importance that you lend to this intuition, is intuition something you're born with or is it something you've developed over your career so that you've kind of refined your instincts?

- I think it's more the latter.

I don't think that you're born with a gut.

I think the gut matures and gets better and better over time and what the struggle that most people have I think, is learning to listen to it. And figuring out how to access it in some way.

For me though, what I found was that even though I'm an engineer and an analytical person at heart, the most important decisions that I've made had nothing to do with any of that.

They were always based on intuition.
