

And see if you can kind of bring awareness to this back thigh, lifting from the back thigh.

So, we hoist our body up. We throw our body around all day long.

In Yoga, we get a chance to really work with integrity.

So, consider that here in this balancing posture, so don't rush it.

Charging that back thigh or bring awareness there, so we're not just lifting from the foot, but we're keeping the hips level.

So, maybe dropping that left hip here. Chest is open, supportive in the center.

We can stay here, gaze is strong, or we can reach the fingertips forward.

Take a deep breath in, feel it out, then slowly we'll bring the back foot down, come back to Warrior One, and release the arms.

Rock on. Okay. We're going to try one more time, this time with a little variation.

And this is my favorite way to teach Warrior Three.
