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The First Drum to Boost Morale




One dawn in 684 BCE, in a vast valley among the Changshao (长勺) Mountains, the armies of Lu and Qi were confronting each other. The wind was still, as if holding its breath, waiting for the first clash of swords.

Wang Xing peered at the distant Qi army, a dark mass stretching as far as he could see. He felt his legs trembling, his palms slick with sweat as they gripped the spear. Looking down, he saw the archer ahead of him also shuddering slightly.

"Terrified, rookie?" Lu Li taunted in a hushed voice.

Wang Xing kept his mouth shut, fearing he would vomit if he opened it.

"What's there to fear? Look at our king!" Lu Li urged.

Wang Xing , along with the soldiers beside him, turned back. The King of Lu was standing erect on his chariot, his gaze fixed and resolute.

"You just can’t expect another king to be equally wise and just." Lu Li whispered with reverence. "If you ask me who I wish to serve, I wouldn’t hesitate a moment to choose his majesty, rather than that invader, the tyrant of Qi! Fighting for his majesty means fighting for the promise for my family, and my land! And it’s not just me. Even our invincible General Cao Gui, a military talent sought after by many countries, volunteered to serve his majesty out of respect and justice!"

Lu Li raised his voice, " Have faith in them. They are going to lead us to victory!"

Another veteran said, “We have the best king and the best general. We are going to win!”

More and more soldiers agreed, “We’re going to win!”

Miraculously, Wang Xing felt a newfound steadiness in his legs.

The next moment, the Qi camp's drums thundered. Their attack began.

Wang Xing turned his gaze to the dust clouds on the horizons, his heart already pounding with the urge to charge, the words “we’re gonna win” resonated in his head.

However, till the first barrage of drum beats ended, when the Qi forces had already surged for a distance, the Lu army’s drums remained silent.

Some soldiers looked back. General Cao Gui was standing there with his eyes fixed on the surging enemy, not giving any signal to drum. Then, the second round of drums from Qi sounded.

And the Qi army, which had already appeared slowed, responded by hastily resuming their pace.

Yet, the Lu army’s drums still remained silent.

Wang Xing became anxious as he watched the enemy getting closer and closer.

"General Cao is a maverick commander, "Lu Li said to himself, trying to soothe his own growing anxiety. "We can count on him!"

Wang Xing focused on the enemy. Their advance became noticeably slower as their third round of drum beats faded out.

A horse or two whinnied in the deafening silence.

And he heard General Cao Gui command to the drummers, “Go!”

All of a sudden, the long pent-up drum beats erupted behind him like a tempest, joined by the rhythmic pounding from both flanks. The thunderous beats reverberated across the battlefield.

Amid the earth-shaking roars, Wang Xing dashed at full strength, with soaring spirits, into the battle amidst the tidal wave of his comrades. The clash of bronze echoed across the valley. He fought fiercely, with the faith that victory was on their side.

The battle lasted for hours. Though wounded, he saw the Lu army push back the Qi army.

They won.

The wounded soldiers were consoled and honored by the King and General Cao Gui. Speaking of the delayed drumming, the King asked publicly about Cao Gui's decision to wait for the enemy's three rounds of drum beats to finish before starting their own.

Cao Gui explained, "The first drum lifts the soldiers' morale; the second erodes it; and the third exhausts it. I waited until they finished their third drum before striking ours, to ensure we attack with our peak morale against their waning spirit."

While everybody was marveled by the strategy, the general continued, “The trick worked, but it was not the trick that eventually decided the outcome of this battle. What determined the victory, I believe, was our soldiers’ unwavering faith in our victory.”




Related expressions in English:

In one sitting: Doing something continuously without interruption or taking a break.

In one go: Doing something all at once, in a single attempt or without interruption. It implies completing a task or achieving a goal in a single effort, without the need for repetition or additional attempts.


She read the entire novel in one sitting, captivated by the story.

The team completed the puzzle in one sitting, determined to finish it before dinner.

She solved the difficult math problem in one go, without needing to pause or ask for help.

He cleaned the entire house in one go, motivated to finish before guests arrived.





